Scholarship Q&A

We encourage potential applicants to ask questions about the Scholarship and we hope the Q&A will help in developing your submissions.

Below is a sample of the questions received for the Scholarship.

Please post a question or questions on the CONTACT page. 

Does the study need to be academic research?

We are not looking for academic research per se, but we are looking for a submission that shows your commitment to a particular issue, with an outline that shows clearly how you will gather and present information related to this.

We are not being prescriptive as we are looking for applicants who have a fire in the belly about a particular issue, possibly developed during earlier student/other projects, and who are looking for some support to further develop and explore matters related to the issue, along with how this will have a positive impact on Australian society.

What will the PPF do with the information in the successful projects?

The final products from the Scholarship studies will be shared on the PPF website and other related media, and we will start to develop a PPF alumni group.  We will also offer to set up connections between applicants (“successful” or “unsuccessful”) who share similar passions, to broaden and strengthen networks of like minded and committed people.

A small beginning from which we plan to develop useful bodies of knowledge and interconnections.

Does the final report have a required format? (A4, portrait/landscape, PPF branding, etc.)

The Agreement that will be signed between the PPF and successful applicant states “final report means either a final report or alternative outcome (such as an exhibition, built model, teaching or presentation materials, podcast or other outcome deemed appropriate by the PPF to the field of study”)…. which we then refer to as the “final product”.

We are not locked into expecting a traditional written report forma. A report could be appropriate depending on the study approach, but there could also be other vehicles for info presentation and communication. A Scholarhip application will describe the “final product”. Then, before commencement of the study, the PPF and successful applicant will agree on any branding etc to be incorporated.


What if I cannot complete the scholarship by the end of the 12 months? (Are the scholarship funds returned? Is it forfeited?)

The successful applicant will be required to submit an interim report on study progress at an agreed time within the 12 month period.

The PPF will also encourage ongoing communications during the study and will take into consideration any circumstances that might affect study completion. Our role is to support the successful applicant.  The return of funds would only be considered in extreme circumstances of non-performance, which we hope to avoid through our careful selection procedures.

Will I receive feedback on my application or interview (if shortlisted)?


One of our team will contact you, we all will learn from feedback.

Do you have to be a registered Architect/Landscape Architect in Australia to participate in the PP Living Environment Scholarship or can a graduate architect/landscape architect with local experience apply?
There is no requirement to be a registered Architect/Landscape Architect in Australia.
The main requirement is recent graduation (within the last 5 years) at Masters Level or equivalent from an accredited Architecture school in Australia.
What does the mentor do?

The mentor is not an academic-type supervisor.

The role of the mentor is to support the applicant during the study, and the application process as needed. The mentor can guide the applicant, be a sounding board to discuss ideas and thoughts, provide a conduit to networks useful to the study, and other activities helpful to completing the study.

The mentor and applicant must demonstrate they already have a connection, and the mentor has skills/experience in the study topic.

How do you define "within the past 5 years"?

Good question. We would consider the 5 years start from the date of Masters graduation.

By what time on the due date should the application be submitted?

By midnight AEDT, Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time.