PPF Fellowship

The Paul Pholeros Foundation offers, annually, the PPF Fellowship which supports an Australian team of plumber and architectural graduate to work with local counterparts on a sanitation project in Nepal.

Nepal Portable Hand Wash Unit Design Challenge 2020

Since the Fellowship could not be offered in 2020/2021 due to the impact of COVID gloablly, the PPF established a design competition to challenge young and creative minds. The COVID pandemic has emphasised the importance of hand hygiene, and many schools in Nepal now require students to wash their hands before entering their classroom.

The aim of the competition was to design a portable, packable and durable hand washing unit for use in locations in Nepal with difficult access to clean running water.

The PPF technical judging team worked with Taylor Springthorpe, the competition’s winner, to refine the unit’s design in preparation for trialling and evaluation in Nepal. The unit was built under the supervision of our coordinator Bishnu Shrestha, and trialled in remote locations in Nepal in March 2022. Evaluations identified some necessary design modifications which led to the construction of 3 new units and retrofitting of the initial unit. The Nepali team is now working on final design/build refinement. Once ready, the PPF will work with the Dhulikhel Hospital team to organise distribution to appropriatet sites.

Paul Pholeros Architecture Scholarship

The Paul Pholeros Architecture Scholarship focusses on the exploration of issues that will contribute to improvements in the health and living conditions of Australian society.